Tuesday, March 25, 2014


My last blog was a hypothetical scenario involving thoroughbred horses actively racing, a trainer, an owner, and liens. As we wait with baited breath on the analysis of legal solutions for the trainer’s concerns, this brief note is intended to provide some immediate sound legal advice to those already involved in the equine industry and to those who wish to enter the business.


Due diligence: be familiar with all of the physical characteristics of the male horse you think might be a good boyfriend for your mare whose clock is ticking.

Follow up:

Look up the word "gelding" in the dictionary.

Never BUY breeding rights to a gelding. This can lead to heartbreak. And even if the male horse can sing all of the tenor parts, he will produce no offspring that can sing in the choir.

Never SELL breeding rights to a gelding. This can lead to very bad food and having to share an exercise yard (and less ample facilities) with people not known previously to you.

It’s the law.

Mount up, Ladies and Dudes

                                                           Gary D. Malfeld

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